Sambourne Village

Contents in alphabetical order - hover over topic and click:

Sambourne Social Events 2024

The pig race is back on Saturday 19th October at The Green Dragon at 6.30pm.

SVA pig race Is it too early to mention the Christmas tree?

An update and an appeal from Justin K of Sambourne Village Association

If you've not been to one before do come and join the fun. Surprisingly entertaining.

And don't forget the children's Christmas party. We are struggling to find volunteers to help with the children's party. Any parents or other parishioners fancy lending a hand please let me know.
Sambourne Village Association have a Facebook group.

An Extraordinary General Meeting prior to the September meeting of Sambourne Parish Council (SPC)?

The agenda for the September 10th meeting on the SPC website is incomplete; page one is repeated and page two is missing.

On Friday 6th, a second agenda - for an EGM - appeared on the same website.

The purpose of an Extraordinary Meeting it to enable business to be transacted, or a matter to be debated, that cannot await the next ordinary council meeting.

Yet the usual (ordinary) meeting immediately follows the EGM ... and the agendas for both meetings were generated on the same date.

By law, an agenda for a Parish Council meeting must be posted in a public place three clear days prior to the meeting date

The Chronic Complainer Continues. [Updated July 2024, September 2024]

From 2020 to date, 30-plus formal complaints relating to Sambourne Parish Council (SPC) members have been made to the Monitoring Officer (MO) at Stratford District Council (SDC).

Of these, the majority have been rejected. Complaint Mug
Three were upheld by the MO who ruled that the complainee should apologise in public.
The total cost of investigations currently exceeds £40K.
It is striking that most of complaints appear to be authored by one person - the errant councillor (the EC). He posits that “there have been complaint after complaint about SPC.“. This is simply because he makes complaint after complaint about SPC and SDC are obliged to examine and possibly investigate.
The high rejection rate reflects on the complainant; surely there's a message here.
It is illuminating to read extracts of the complaints which can be seen here . Most people would conclude that the content is largely frivolous and, in many cases, vexatious and often simply untrue.

The EC also complained to the police alleging crimes by SPC members. Their enquiries found no criminal offence. In a couple of cases it was recommended that an apology be made.

Two authorities ( Law and Governance at SDC and Warwickshire Police)  had rejected his complaints; this questioned his moral superiority.
His opinions and judgement had been exposed to doubt - so the EC tried to discredit the MO and Warwickshire Police.
He  looked for ways of undermining the process: he questioned the quality of the investigation and the competence of the Monitoring Officer himself.
As to the police involvement, the EC questioned the capabilities and the independence of Warwickshire Police and of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
The rejections were  not what  the EC wanted, so the decision makers must be wrong.

Clearly this collection of complaints is the work of an inveterate trouble-maker driven by narcissism who now portrays himself as a sort of the would-be-hero-cum-victim.
Indeed an expensive delusion ... over £40K cost to the public purse.

The EC seeks attention and craves to be dominant. Anyone who dares question his stand-point is chastised at great length; naysayers are not tolerated.
He needs to try to dominate ("bully") and finds an easy target in people pleasers who attempt appeasement. 
This approach was adopted by  SPC and several other people; they attempted to appease him. They failed and thereby became a prime target for bullying.

His carping and caviling about most aspects of Sambourne has been ongoing for four years. Most people in Sambourne are tired of his negative  rhetoric and exaggerations.
There are numerous examples of the latter:
The bizarre suggestion that there is a house sale epidemic in Sambourne, caused solely by the reprehensible conduct of SPC .
Claims that SPC misconduct ranks alongside the Post Office scandal!
And social occasions in the local should be boycotted because of those who would attend. They are “A chumocracy of distasteful - odious individuals where the rest of the UK are looking on in absolute and total disbelief.” Really? All 66 million souls?

[Update September 2024]
In late 2021, in an effort to calm the situation, the police visited 14 addresses to deliver what amounted to a gagging order - forbidding any mention of the EC.
In 2024, with the same aim, police again visited several addresses to deliver a guide to behaviour; a 20 page document prepared by Alcester police.
Despite these efforts it appears that in 2024, according to the Errant Councillor, "four separate criminal offences are still under investigation by Police".
At least four previous investigations into complaints from the same source have been concluded. Several people - mainly members of Sambourne Parish Council - were interviewed under caution regarding various complaints made by the EC. On each occasion police ruled no further action required. It is ironic that the EC who apparently "pursued a career in law enforcement" made these complaints which proved to be ill-founded.

Whatever happened to the summary offence of wasting police time - s5(2) Criminal Law Act 1967?
This covers occasions where a person causes any wasteful employment of the police by knowingly making to any person a false report tending to show that an offence has been committed, or to give rise to apprehension for the safety of any persons or property ...
A possible backfire here ...

A suggestion to draw matters to a head: the Parish Council should use their website, which is open public access, to challenge him. Ask the EC to submit concisely what he deems wrong with SPC and members.
This, together with SPC comments,  should be published for all to see. The current situation has been brought about by his insinuations and hints; the facts are concealed, merely alluded to, so as  to intimidate.
SPC should also make public all complaints. Plagiarize from this website if you need - you have done it before ...

Mental Health Help Lines
Mental Help Lines
Stratford District Council meetings on YouTube
Stratford-on-Avon District Council records certain council meetings and publishes the YouTube recordings the day after the meeting.

BT will retire PSTN by end 2025

By December 2025 BT will have retired Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) services - essentially landline phones connected to the exchange over copper wires. PSTNphone Broadband using copper lines will be unaffected.

For more information select this link.

Update 31/01/24

BT Consumer Group - the largest provider of landline phone services in the UK will start migrating their customers in the West Midlands region from February 2024.

Help available to fix or install/fix central heating

Anyone with a chronic or acute health condition or disability which is made worse by the cold (such as respiratory conditions, arthritis, diabetes or heart disease) can apply for help.
Warm and Well in Warwickshire has got funding available to help install - or fix - boilers and central heating systems. Income criteria applies but it's well worth residents contacting the partner Act on Energy to see if they can help.
Call 0800 988 2881.

Sourced from SDC website.
Warwick County Council "Report It" Website

This service offers a way of reporting an issue directly to WCC. The category is selected from a list and it takes you through reporting form(s) and finally submitting. Optionally you may wish to create an account - this enables you to keep track of your case and to change your details at a later date. Of particular interest to Sambourne residents is the category "Report flooding or drainage problems".

Sambourne's County Councillor adds

"WCC are in line for government funding to distribute to local people who's houses have flooded. But they need evidence that this is happening and reporting it is the best evidence we can offer. You can report property or highway flooding. Information on both is very useful in getting problems solved. you can report house flooding or other flooding on your property. Again, both are very useful in getting problems solved. As you can see, this is the link to use for reporting to local councils on many other matters. It goes direct to the council and IS monitored."

[Feedback: To check, reported Middletown Lane flooding problem 18th January, response (from human, not AI bot) mid-morning 19th.]

The response read:

I can confirm that I am already aware of this issue, and we carried out some jetting work just before Christmas to clear the blocked gullies. When we carry out jetting work, following the completion of the job we receive a jetting report which will advise us on what possible further work is required. I am currently awaiting this report. Once I have this report, I will be able to look in what else we can do to help solve this problem. I will update you accordingly as soon as I am able to do so.

Warwickshire Police Crime Prevention Handbook

The handbook contains useful information and advice is aimed at helping to reduce the opportunities for crime and the likelihood of you or your family becoming a victim.

Topics range from Neighbourhood Watch through Home and Vehicle security to Hate Crime and Domestic Abuse.

The pamphlet can be read here .
Big Butterfly Count 2023

Remember the count back in July?
The returns have been analysed and can be seen on the Butterfly Conservation website.

Sambourne War Memorial

The accompanying image shows the dedication of the memorial, which is now a listed monument..

This service took place on Christmas Day 1919.

Substantial restoration was carried out in 2014. This was organised by SPC councillor Roy Davies.
A bid for funding made to the War Memorials Trust was successful - £1300 (50% of cost of work) was awarded.
Ownership needed to be formally established - confirmed in the SPC minutes archive of 1920 when it was formally transferred to Sambourne Parish Council.
Details of the monument listing and this substantial restoration can be seen on the War Memorials Trust website..

Alcester North Safer Neighbourhoods Team (SNT) community engagement surgeries

Studley Village Hall (for residents of Studley, Sambourne, Mappleborough Green)Alcester Police SNT Team
Middletown Lane as it was...

Old Middletown Lane

Middletown Lane viewed facing east, just down from The White House.

All very different when captured using what was probably a Kodak Brownie box camera.

By zooming in the "Sambourne" banner sign can be seen (but not read!). What looks like a car can be seen descending the slope by the pumping station.

Date? Unknown. Part of a batch of photographs borrowed from the WI and scanned for the Parish Plan.

Sambourne Election 2023 Results

To view select the "Past & Present" tab on the menu or select this link. .

Heart of England Forest


HofE Forest are creating 20 acres of native broadleaf woodland this season in our area (Nov 22 – Jan 23), planting 11,450 trees and shrubs.

The updated image shows the completed planting across to Perrymill Lane.
The field adjacent to Middletown Lane is not included.

The charity's website can be found at.

Please note: the removal of the hedge from the gateway opposite the Sambourne sign down to Cain brook was NOT done by HofE Forest. (Try more local.)
It has left a complete eyesore. There has been a casual gesture to restore some level of security but the site is vulnerable.
Hopefully, this time the brash will not be burnt on site. It should be taken away so the acrid smoke does not fill the properties in Middletown Lane.

Fibre2 Broadband

Fibre2 with typical performance speeds of upload 15-20 Mbps download 75-80 Mbps is available in Sambourne.

Cost? Expect a £10 setup fee and £1 per month extra charge.

Contact your Internet Service Provider for specific information and charges.

South Warwickshire Local Plan - SWLP

The SWLP Area Covers both Stratford-on-Avon, and Warwick District Council Areas. The Councils have decided to work jointly in order to update their existing Local Plans: the Stratford-on-Avon Core Strategy and Warwick Local plan. This new plan will set out the strategy for the development of both Housing and Employment within the area and will contain the policies in which new development within the area will need to adhere to. Work on the SWLP commenced in 2021 and the plan is scheduled for adoption in December 2027. The plan will outline the development strategy up to 2050.

The new Labour government has proposed reforms to the Standard Method of Housing (which is the formula used to determine housing figures), and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) proposes to make it mandatory for Local Authorities to meet the housing needs as set out in the Standard Method. There was a consultation (ended in September) on these proposed changes which are aimed at speeding up house building with emphasis on affordable homes.

Prior to the release of this new standard method, the South Warwickshire Local Plan was anticipating  provision of 868 new homes per year in Stratford district and 811 per year in Warwick district. If the reformed Standard Method goes ahead Stratford on Avon District would be required to deliver 1,098 dwellings per annum, and Warwick District 1,080. The combined total housing need figure for South Warwickshire under the new standard method is proposed as 2,178 dwellings per annum. This figure excludes any additional homes that South Warwickshire may need to accommodate through its Duty to Co-operate obligations.
For further information on the Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA) and the new proposed Standard Method please see the papers from the Joint Cabinet Committee that took place on Thursday 1st August 2024. .

Basic details of the plan can be seen by selecting "Past & Present" tab on the menu then SWLP from the drop down list; alternatively, click here.

There is an option to sign up which makes available various SWLP documents - current (open to consultation) and historic. Updates will be notified via registered email address.

Currently - as of September 2024 - we are approaching stage 3 in the timetable.

Chris Clews Oct 2024

Public Rights of Way in Sambourne

Please note: the response from the site may be sluggish at times but worth the wait.

To display the map, click this link .

An interesting list of alternative walks in the area is available on Walking in England website.

Roy Edwards - a former Redditch garage owner - has made several videos of walks in and around Sambourne.
Sambourne Lane To Coughton Park public footpath walk.
Astwood Bank to Sambourne Public Footpath walk.
Sambourne Walk Trying out some fake drone shots.
Sambourne Warks Public Footpath walk.
Sambourne To Middletown Lane Public Footpath Walk.

The History of Speeding Traffic in Sambourne

Until the mid 1990s most of Sambourne was derestricted – i.e. 60 mph; except in the centre where it was 40 mph.

Subsequently, parts of the 60 mph zones were reduced to 40 mph.

The Speed Limit review for Sambourne which was completed in 2010 produced the scheme in place today: the location of speed limits was changed and signing installed.

Community Speed Watch started in December 2010. Sambourne was the first village in Warwickshire to be allowed to operate the scheme.

The gateway scheme was installed in 2020/2021.

Community Speed Watch is due to be resumed – the first volunteers are to be trained in early July.

Automatic Traffic Count (ATC)

This is the system that uses twin black pipes across the road connected to a processing/recording box. It not only counts individual vehicles but also determines their speed and the detection date and time. When the data is retrieved it is used to present various analyses.

Over time SPC has acquired copies of much of the recorded data held by WCC.
The majority of the historic measurements were made in Middletown Lane by the noticeboard.

Extracts from the data are shown below

Middletown ATC data. Both directions 24 hr averages.
Year Mean Speed mph Total Vehicles Peak Vehicles (8:00-9:00)
***September 2020 32.5 2166 261
July 2013 32.8 2043 164
October 2011 38.0 1980 169
November 2010 36.0 1430 183
May 2010 36.9 1878 211
June 2009 39.6 1850 194
November 2008 40.3 1810 216
June 2007 40.5 2033 233
November 2006 35.7 1893 234
February 2005 39.5 2188 256

***The 2020 figures for Middletown are from the ATC data recorded at site 6 prior to the gateway installation.
See the ATC site location plan

. At a later date, ATC data would again be recorded to enable comparisons to be made and to get an idea of the effectiveness of the calming measures. Like many other proposals this was impacted by Covid19.

WCC Traffic Group it was stated that :

Traffic Group were informed during lock-down that no surveys (that includes speed surveys) would be undertaken in Warwickshire until traffic started to return to some semblance of normality expected around the end of May beginning of June 2021. Further works are being planned in Sambourne as detailed on this website. These consist of roundels on the road surface and 30 repeater signs at identified points - as agreed between Traffic Group, Sambourne PC and Charles Farran who made the initial suggestions and comments. It is sensible to carry out this further calming work before undertaking taking the second phase of measurements.

The 2020 pre-gateway data was gathered at 6 sites – locations as shown on the ATC site location plan .

The data has been analysed for each site into categories of vehicles’ speed:

The data is shown for sites 1-3 and sites 4-6

Finally an analysis of the totals at each of the sites is shown .

The range of possibilities for traffic calming was described in the March 2020 meeting of SPC under item 6 Speed Awareness Update. It shows that currently there are no further measures that can be deployed in Sambourne.

Warwick County Mobile Library Service 2024 Schedule

Stopping points in 2024 are:
Layby, Middletown 10:30 to 10:45
Green Dragon, Sambourne 10:50 to 11:05.

Please note the changed times.

Roundels and Repeaters

Suggestions to improve aspects of signing in Sambourne were made by Mr Farran under Public Participation in the January 2021 meeting of SPC . These have subsequently been discussed with SPC and an agreed list of suggestions and proposals produced.

A virtual meeting was held involving Traffic Group (WCC), Sambourne PC and Charles Farran to discuss this list.

The discussion produced an agreed scheme of works mainly involving roundels on the road surface and 30 repeater signs at identified points. Details of the items can be seen on the site location plan and the general arrangements layout . Additional details are shown in the sign designs PS01 and PS02-PS03 .

Sambourne Trust Thursday Bus

This service resumed on Thursday 3rd June 2021.
Starting point is as usual: Sambourne Park (St Josephs) at 10:00 - please note this is a slightly different time.
The route is the same: Green Dragon and along Middletown Lane.
The service uses a white 16-seater minibus Mr Taxi.

Update on availability of UBUS bus service (including Sambourne)

Full details of the service appear on WCC website. search for Sambourne

Final Drawings for Warwickshire County Council Gateway Scheme for Sambourne Parish

[041020 11:50] The final drawings are linked as below:

Site location plan - seven sites
Site location plan - two sites
HGV sign locations
Sign design PS01 (Middletown Lane)
Sign design PS02 (Sambourne Lane)

Sambourne Traffic-calming Gateways
Traffic Group have issued today - 28th July 2020 - drawings of the proposed scheme. To examine the proposals please follow the link. Sambourne Parish Council requested the addition of signing to help deter HGVs using the lanes.
These signs were added to the gateway scheme.To view the locations click the link.

Logging street problems requiring attention

To report issues like flooding, potholes, crumbling road edges or blocked drains use the website FixMyStreet .

Each report has a reference number. Warwick County Council have a dedicated monitoring team...apparently.

Studley Bulk Waste Facility Withdrawn
The parish council’s bulky waste service used to operate from the Pool Road car park on a Saturday morning. It has been well used over many years by Studley residents but due to operational changes that include lack of availability on Saturday mornings and restrictions on what will be accepted at the final destination point, Biffa have advised they cannot continue.

There is no change to the bulky waste collection service provided by Stratford District Council .

Bus service in Sambourne

Details of UBUS and all other public transport schemes are listed here.

Social Events in Sambourne

If you would like to receive regular emails with details please contact Village Association

Wildlife in Sambourne
There is month by month log of wildlife seen in Sambourne.

Neighbourhood Watch
Neighbourhood Watch updates are on a separate page.

If you are interested in making a contribution please with your suggestion.