Sambourne is a warded parish - consisting of North and South wards. The dividing line is essentially The Slough/Bromsgrove Road - North is Studley side, South is Sambourne side.
The Parish Council consists of 5 members: 2 for the North ward and 3 for the South ward. If the number of candidates exceeds the number of members for the individual ward (2 North, 3 South) then there will be an election in that ward.
There will be elections for two District Councillors and, if numbers require, elections for Parish Councillors (5 in all).
District Elections - results
Announced today (5th May 2023)
Studley North -
Turnout 33%
Wayne Bates - Labour - 82
Peter Hencher-Serafin+ - Liberal Democrats - 358 Elected
Justin Kerridge - Local Conservatives - 304
Anne Waldon - Green - 40
Studley South -
Turnout 34.18%
Neil Edden+ - Liberal Democrats - 505 Elected
Dom Giles - Green - 56
Alison Leask - Labour - 89
Jed McCrory - Local Conservatives - 288
Announced today (5th April 2023) the uncontested elections notice.
The outcome for Sambourne