Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 6th September 2010 at
7.45 pm
Cllr Chris Clews
Cllr Phil Jones
Cllr David Shaw
Cllr Willis Ward
Cllr Geoff Smith
Cllr Justin Kerridge Stratford
District Council
Teresa Murphy
There were 14 parishioners present
Cllr Clive Rickhards Warwickshire
County Council
Disclosure of
Minutes of the
Last Meeting
There was one correction to the Minutes concerning Tree
Maintenance. The minute should have read ‘…… If a lower quote is
obtained it was agreed that it would be reviewed and agreement sought
as to further action’.
arising from the minutes
Trespassing on Mr Archer’s field: Cllr Ward had obtained a quote
of £1600 for 60m of protective netting. This cost includes the
clearing of the land in question. Cllr Ward was asked to provide
a breakdown of the cost and also to ask Mr Archer if he would be
willing to carry out the clearing. Alternative ways of solving
the problem are still being sought.
Action: Cllr Ward
Speeding on Sambourne Lane: Regular speeding has been observed
every morning in Sambourne Lane. There was a particular incident
at 6.30 am on a Sunday morning. The police have been informed of
this and as a result have been proactive and maintained a more regular
presence in Sambourne.
Erection of a Pagoda in the recreation ground: Cllr Kerridge
agreed to look into the possibility of obtaining a grant. Cllr
Shaw made an alternative suggestion of a willow arbour. Concern
was voiced about the possibility of vandalism.
Action: Cllr Kerridge
Village Survey:
See item 7.
Tree Maintenance: A second quote specifying the cost of each of
the two items will be obtained.
Action: Cllr Shaw
Neighbourhood Watch:
The Chairman has put an item on the website about the interest in
resurrecting the Neighbourhood Watch scheme.
Cllr Clews will contact the Chairman of Studley Parish Council, Jim
Bacon, to see if it is worth linking with Studley.
Cllr Clews will contact Sgt Pete Essex about recent undesirable
activities concerning door to door sales in the village.
War Memorial:
A quote of £195 was given to rake out the loose pointing and replace
with the appropriate mortar. Mr Robin Quinney said that the
Sambourne Trust would be happy to pay for this work. Two other
members of the Trust agreed with this decision. The Chairman thanked
Sambourne Trust for their offer.
Action: Cllr Smith
Finger Post:
It was considered that if the finger post by the Laurels on the Green
were replaced it could be damaged because of its proximity to the
road. An alternative is to place a small indicator on two posts
at opposite ends of the Green. The sign would be the same design
as on the finger post, ie black lettering on a white background.
The approximate cost of this would be £600. It was agreed that a
decision would be made at the next meeting when feedback from all
Councillors had been received and a vote would be cast.
Action: All
Planting of daffodils:
As a donation had not been forthcoming from Webbs, Sue and Phil Jones
had purchased daffodil bulbs. These have been bagged up and there
are 110 bulbs for each sign. Planting instructions are included
in each bag. The following parishioners offered to plant bulbs:
Cllr Clews Middletown Lane (more
bulbs needed)
Cllr Ward Sambourne Lane
Cllr Jones Wyke Lane
Cllr Kerridge Oak Tree Lane
Roy Davies Whitemoor Lane
Wayne Bates Middletown
Cllr Smith agreed to strim around all the signs for ease of planting.
Action: All
Footpath signs:
Biodiversity Group:
Cllr Jones attended the Annual Conference of the local Biodiversity
Group. 2010 is the international Year of Biodiversity and the
Government has produced an Action Plan, to which the Warwickshire and
Solihull Group has made a major contribution. Cllr Jones’ report
will be published on the website.
Cllr Jones offered to make bird boxes for the recreation ground and
asked if there is anything else that he can do to further the aims of
biodiversity. Suggestions via the website or at the next meeting.
Action: Cllr Jones, Chairman
Public Participation
(1) An issue was raised concerning a proposal to open allotments
on land adjacent to the driveway to Sambourne Warren Farm.
Concerns were raised in relation to this proposal, one of the main
objections being the implications of parking and congestion. The
Chairman reported that he had contacted WALC and had been informed that
planning permission for change of use would be required. He
agreed to make further enquiries to SDC to clarify the position on
A second objection was that the field up from the cricket club was
polluted by sewage, which would make it an unsuitable place for
allotments. Cllr Ward agreed to make enquiries about the sewage
The clerk made a note of the e-mail address to report back to Mr Duddy.
Action: Chairman, Cllr Ward
(2) Cllr Kerridge raised the following points:
1) Contribution to the publication of ‘The Voice’. A cheque for
£30, taken from the ‘Publicity Grant’, was issued.
2) The contacts for Police on the notice board are for the Northern
Area. The Clerk was asked to display the contact numbers for
South Warwickshire Police.
3) A pointer on the Perrymill Lane finger post appears to be falling
off. Cllrs Smith and Ward to investigate.
Action: Clerk, Cllrs Smith and Ward
Limit Review
The Chairman and Cllr Kerridge had attended a meeting with the Head of
Traffic Group, Jonathan Simpkins. Two issues were raised:
1) Speed limit revision. There are two anomalous areas – the
derestricted areas on Whitemoor Lane and Sambourne Lane. WCC had
agreed to change these to 30 mph but are now short of funds. Cllr
Rickhards believed more funds would become available on completion of
the review. Ongoing.
2)Was the 30 mph in Sambourne working? Data had been collected in
the past but more funding is required to bring it up to date. The
Chairman has involved the MP for Stratford in negotiations with Traffic
Group and he has shown his support.
Action: Chairman, Cllr
Progress of Village Survey
The draft document has been circulated to Councillors for
comment. When all the comments have been received and queries
answered the document will be emailed back to Simon Purfield for
Action: Chairman
Quotations for grass cutting
The Parish Council has been made aware that SDC pay contractors to
carry out 9 cuts a year in Sambourne at a cost of £917. The
Parish Council has been offered the chance to take over this cutting
and bundle it with our own grass cutting contract. The vote was
as follows:
1)Do we think this extra should be picked up and bundled with our grass
cutting contract?
2)Should we go to alternative suppliers for quotes?
It was agreed that:
1)The Clerk would write to Mr Gibbs, outlining the extra work and
asking for a revised quote.
2)Alternative quotes should also be sought. The Chairman would
prepare a list of possible suppliers to give to the Clerk.
Action: Clerk, Chairman
Tree Maintenance
Quotes had been received to carry out work on the trees in need of
urgent attention, ie the oak with the split bole and the crown
reduction on the ash on Archer’s boundary.
It was agreed that:
1)Mark Newell would be asked to quote for the felling of the split
oak. If the quote came in at up to £450 then it was agreed that
the work should be done immediately.
2)Mark Newell should be asked to quote separately for the ash tree and
this would be discussed at the next meeting.
Action: Cllr Shaw
1)The Clerk reported that the Annual accounts for the year ended 31st
March 2010 had been returned to Clement Keys as they had requested
clarification on the receipts for that year in comparison with the
previous year. The reason for this difference was the receipt of
grants from WCC in 2008/9.
2)It was agreed that ‘Contributions to the Link’ would be added as an
agenda item for the next meeting.
The following cheques were raised:
WCC for forestry work
Cllr Jones – purchase of bulbs
Chairman – expenses re Traffic Group
And Web space rental
J Kerridge – The Link (Publicity Grant)£30.00
Clerk – Salary and
New Applications made since the last meeting:
Mrs F Kilburn
Erection of 2m high wooden fence. 49 Bromsgrove Rd
Results of Planning since last meeting:
Allely’s Holdings
Demolition of existing workshop and erection of storage warehouse
WALC annual report and briefing distributed to Councillors.
Chairman’s Business
1)The Chairman reported the sad death of Doug Bond, who was a former
member of the Parish Council.
2)The Chairman has e-mailed John Brown of WCC Environment Directorate
and asked him to look at the continuing problem of flooding at Capilano
corner. An email had been received on 23rd August stating that a
drainage gang would be dealing with the damage caused by the
installation of gas pipes. The Chairman would be following this
Action: Chairman
3)The gritting schedule has been received for 2010/11. There are
no significant changes to previous years.
4)An invitation had been received for a WCC Reception on 25th October
2010. Unfortunately no Councillor would be able to attend.
Any other business
Fly tipping in Wyke Lane:
A bath had been fly tipped in Wyke
Lane, 150m away from the Sambourne 30 mph sign. Also a white
cabinet had been tipped in woodland in Coughton. Cllr Smith
agreed to contact SDC.
Cllr Smith
Studley Fire Station:
Wayne Bates had e-mailed the Parish Council
expressing concern that the publicity surrounding the closure of
Studley Fire Station had subsided and suggesting that a referendum be
held in the Parish. The Chairman had contacted WALC for
clarification on the operation of a referendum and was informed that
the cost could be in the region of £2,000. He suggested that it
would be more economic to carry out a petition or a poll in Sambourne
to attract the media. The Chairman suggested that Mr Bates gets
in touch with Studley PC as he had been informed that more action will
be taken. He also directed Mr Bates to the Sambourne web site,
which has links to Studley’s web site and to follow the links to
contacts re the fire station closure.
New editor of the Voice:
Cllr Kerridge reported that a new editor
would be taking over the publication of the Voice.
The Clerk agreed to contact Lizzie Price at WCC to
ascertain the possibility of accessing further
Action: Clerk
Dates of next meetings:
Monday 8th November 2010 at 7.45 pm
Monday 10th January 2011 at 7.45 pm