Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 8th November
2010 at 7.45 pm
Cllr Chris Clews
Cllr Phil Jones
Cllr David Shaw
Cllr Willis Ward
Cllr Geoff Smith
Cllr Clive Rickhards
Warwickshire County Council
Cllr Justin Kerridge
Stratford District Council
Teresa Murphy
There were 5 parishioners present
Apologies:: None
Disclosure of Interest : None
Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 6th September 2010 were agreed and
signed by the Chairman.
Matters arising from the minutes
Mr Archer’s Field: The majority of the cost would be in clearing
the ground, so it was agreed that we would wait until everything had
died back and re-assess the situation.
Erection of a Pagoda: It was agreed that this matter should now
be closed as little interest had been shown in the project.
Neighbourhood Watch: The Chairman has e-mailed Jim Bacon from
Studley Parish Council asking for advice about resurrecting the
Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. He also contacted Sgt Pete Essex
about the door to door sales in the village. Sgt Essex asked
parishioners to make a note of who was knocking on doors and get back
to him if the problem persists.
War Memorial: The work on the War Memorial has been carried out –
thanks to Cllr Geoff Smith. The Chairman agreed to contact
English Heritage to enquire about grants available to re-engrave the
Action: Chairman
Finger Posts. Quotes have been obtained for the proposed
indicator on The Green.
It was agreed that Option 3, at a cost of £497 + vat, was the most
suitable and in keeping with the existing finger post. A combination of
the two destinations (Astwood Bank and Droitwich) would be
displayed. It is understood there is a 14 week delivery time and
the Chairman agreed to place the order.
Action: Chairman
Planting of Daffodils: All completed
Biodiversity Group: To be carried over to the next meeting.
Public Participation: The Chairman has contacted SDC about the
concerns expressed on the proposal of allotments adjacent to Sambourne
Warren Farm. A reply is awaited. Cllr Ward agreed to look into
the problem of sewage in the area.
Action: Chairman, Cllr Ward
Flooding at Capilano Corner: The pipe has now been unblocked and
the matter is closed.
Fly Tipping in Wyke Lane: Cllr Smith reported that the items had
been removed by SDC.
Public Pariticpation: None
The Sambourne Trust – following the death of the Chairman
It was with regret that the death of Robin Quinney, at the end of
September, was announced. Mr Quinney had been a pivotal figure on
the Sambourne Trust and a prominent member of Sambourne society.
The question of the future of the Trust was discussed. Cllr Shaw
reported that a new Chairman would be elected at the AGM in June
2011. In the meantime he would be acting Chairman. The
Chairman requested that the names of the trustees be put on the
website. He was asked to contact Roger Loach, who would arrange
to do this.
Action: Chairman
Speed Limit Review
The Chairman is in correspondence with Jonathan Simpkins, head of
Traffic Group, and also with the MP for Stratford, Nadhim Zahawi.
It is felt that it would be beneficial for Sambourne to have a 20 mph
speed limit around The Green and we should carry on campaigning for
Action: Chairman
Progress of Village Survey
There was discussion on whether the Survey should be based on the
village or the parish. The Chairman will contact Simon Purfield
and clarify the matter.
Action: Chairman
Quotations for grass cutting
Mr Gibbs has supplied quotes for grass cutting for the coming year
11/12. This includes the extra work currently undertaken by
SDC. The quote was accepted, with the following amendments:
A separate quote be given to ‘weed and feed’ the Green – with the time
for it to be undertaken.
Drop March and November from the schedule.
The Clerk was asked to write to Mr Gibbs, confirming the above.
The Clerk was asked to contact Matt Austin at SDC informing him of the
Parish Council’s desire to take over the SDC portion of grass cutting
within Sambourne and Middletown.
Action: Clerk
Tree Maintenance
It was reported that WCC Forestry had carried out the felling of the
split oak.
The quote for the ash tree would be discussed at the January meeting.
Precept for 2011/12
It was agreed that this would be on the agenda for the January meeting.
Donation to The Link
It was agreed that a donation of £100 be made to support the
publication of The Link.
The Clerk reported that the Annual Return for the year ended 31st March
2010 had been approved by Clement Keys on 27th September 2010.
The following cheques were raised:
Clement Keys –
Cllr Jones –
Clerk – Salary and
Kiddi Vouchers Ltd
Provision of 32 car park spaces. Chestnut Court, Jill
David Laband
T1 Fir – Fell
The WALC Newsletter was circulated.
Chairman’s Business
Community Police: The Chairman expressed concern that the community
police officers have to purchase their own regulation boots. It
was suggested that the Parish Council could help support this
cost. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
The Voice: Cllr Kerridge reported that he anticipated that the
next issue of The Voice would be published before Christmas.
Community Speed Watch: Cllr Kerridge understood that Sambourne
will soon be getting the speed ‘gun’. The Chairman agreed to
contact Sally Rolfe at SDC and enquire when that date will
Diamond Jubilee in 2012: Thought should be given as to what
Sambourne could do to celebrate this occasion.
Any other business
Cllr Rickhards gave a report on the proposed cuts within WCC
It was reported that there was flooding on Whitemoor Lane by the
railings. If this persists action will be taken.
Date of next meetings
Monday 10th January 2011
Monday 7th March 2011