There are three meetings in May:
annual parish assembly
annual parish meeting
(Sambourne Parish Council) and
The May meeting of
Sambourne Parish Council.
Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held on Monday 10th May 2010 at
7.15 pm
Cllr Chris Clews
Cllr Phil Jones
Cllr David Shaw
Cllr Geoff Smith
Cllr Willis Ward
Mrs T Appleby
Cllr Clive Rickhards Warwickshire
County Council
Cllr Justin Kerridge Stratford
District Council
There were 10 parishioners present
Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 11th May 2009 were agreed and
signed by the Chairman.
Parish Council Chairman’s Report
The Chairman welcomed Justin Kerridge and Clive Rickhards as our new
District and County representatives.
A vote of thanks was given for Les Topham for being our District
Councillor for 15 years.
Thanks also to Martin Barry who had a short, but interesting, spell at
The Regional Spatial Strategy seem to have stalled, due to the recession
Speed limit review complete – latest was the white lines that appeared
15 planning applications during the year – 3 more than last year.
The outcome of all but one followed the comments of the PC
A Village Survey – first step towards a Village Plan – is being drawn
up with help from SDC
Dog bin and grit bins are in place
Tree inspection programme ongoing
Painting and maintenance – benches, bus shelter, fence enclosing wild
WCC are reminded to repair roadside railings, unblock gulleys etc
Village litter pick
Project with Studley High School to produce a detailed map, with house
Information sheet
Emergency Plan is now complete and distributed to the clerk and PC
Possibility of having a Christmas tree on the Green was discussed but
abandoned due to lack of interest
Elections : District, County, Trust, PC – and the General Election
Walks are organised so that all footpaths are used at least once each
year. Maintenance work continues.
Thanks were expressed to:
Four others on the PC – each believes in protecting the village and
works towards this. They each have areas of special knowledge and
expertise. A pleasure to work with.
Geoff for all his work in the recreation ground and for installing dog
bin and notice boards.
Phil and Sue for caring for the border around the Memorial
Justin Kerridge and others who work with him
Litter pickers and all who turned out for the Village tidy up
MiniFest – a success story
There are a lot of ‘unsung heroes’ – those who take a pride in
Sambourne and contribute in so many ways. Their efforts are
Terry for keeping us organised.
Annual Accounts of Sambourne Parish Council
The Clerk reported that the accounts for 2009/10 had been prepared and
would be forwarded to the internal auditor. The accounts will
then be sent to the external auditors, Clement Keys, for ratification.
Report from the WI
The President, Jacqui Wolfe, gave the Report. She gave a brief
update on the activities of Sambourne Women’s Institute during the past
twelve month.
Now in the 57th year and continuing to thrive.
For the first time in the history of the WI a meeting had to be
cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.
A Christmas party was held in the hall and thanks to the kitchen
facilities an excellent meal was provided for members and friends.
The summer party was held in the village and local residents and past
members spent an enjoyable evening.
This year it was Sambourne’s turn to send a delegate to represent four
local WI’s at the AGM held in London. The resolution at that
meeting was an ‘SOS for honey bees’, and the motion was carried by
A variety of speakers have been welcomed, including a Fleet Street
photographer, an expert on the work of Women in Narrow Boats during the
2nd World War and, surprisingly, we were able to handle several Birds
of Prey in the village hall.
It has been fortunate that new members have joined and there are
several visitors who may join at a later date.
This year the WI has presented a member with a bursary of £50 towards
some educational pursuit of her choice. We look forward to
hearing the lucky member’s report on this.
Report from The Sambourne Trust
The Report was read by Cllr David Shaw:
The Trust has managed to carry out a number of improvements to its
properties. All houses are now double glazed and further projects are
in hand.
Actions taken to prevent flooding have been successful.
Tercentenary anniversary has passed and to celebrate the occasion the
Trust were able to meet and deliver a number of gifts to people in the
parishes of Sambourne and Coughton.
The Trust continues to support Redditch Hospital, the Air Ambulance,
Stratford Hospice, Astwood Bank Welfare, Studley High School and
students who are going on to university.
The Trustees have agreed, in principle, to the building of more
Appreciation was recorded for the help and advice received from the
Charity Commission.
Thanks were given to Mrs Ann Shaw for her work as the liaison warden
between the tenants and the Trust; also for the care she has given to
Mrs Eva Jones, who at 94 is the Trust’s oldest resident.
Issues of Local Importance
None raised.
Other matters raised by an Elector of the Parish
None raised.
Chairman: Cllr Chris Clews
01527 853844
Clerk: Teresa
01386 462150
Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting held on Monday 10th May 2010 at
7:45 pm
Cllr Chris Clews
Cllr Phil Jones
Cllr David Shaw
Cllr Willis Ward
Cllr Geoff Smith
Teresa Appleby
Cllr Clive Rickhards
Warwickshire County Council
Cllr Justin Kerridge
Stratford District Council
There were 10 parishioners present
of Chairman
Dr Chris Clews was re-appointed as Chairman
The decision was unanimous
Proposed by Cllr Phil Jones and seconded by Cllr Willis Ward
of Interest : None
To approve
the minutes held on 11th May 2009
The minutes were agreed and signed by the Chairman.
There were no matters raised.
To receive
Declarations of Office
Declarations of Office were duly signed by the Chairman and Parish
Councillors and witnessed by the Clerk.
Dates of
Future Meetings
Monday 5th July 2010 at 7.45 pm
Monday 6th September 2010 at 7.45 pm
To Review
the Clerk’s Salary
It was agreed that the Clerk would receive an increment of one scale
point – from 18 to scale point 19. Any national agreement on the
revision of Local Government salaries would, if appropriate, be
backdated to 10th May 2010.
Chairman: Cllr Chris Clews
01527 853844
Clerk: Teresa
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 10th May 2010 at 8.00
Cllr Chris Clews
Cllr Phil Jones
Cllr David Shaw
Cllr Willis Ward
Cllr Geoff Smith
Cllr Clive Rickhards
Warwickshire County Council
Cllr Justin Kerridge
Stratford District Council
Teresa Appleby
There were 14 parishioners present
of Interest
Minutes of
the last meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 1st March 2010 were agreed and
signed by the Chairman.
Arising from the Minutes
Grit bins: To be carried
forward to the November meeting.
Blocked Gullies: It was
agreed that a list be compiled of all
blocked gullies in the parish, giving their exact locations. A
copy of this would be given to Cllr Rickhards and forwarded to WCC for
Action: Cllr Smith
Vehicles Parked in Oaktree Lane:
This matter is now closed.
If further problems occur please let the Parish Council know details.
Website: Alternative
providers have been researched. The
Chairman reported that he would like to undertake a trial period for 6
months at a cost of approximately £4 per month. He would report
progress to the July meeting.
Village Map: Pupils at
Studley High School have started work on
compiling a Village map.They
are, at present, checking house
names and location
Planning Application – Allely’s:
The Clerk was asked to find out progress on the recent planning
Action: Clerk
Village Survey and Plan:
Vermin Control: The
Chairman had contacted SDC but has been told
that the resident themselves must make representations to the
Council. A return visit by SDC will then be arranged.
Recycling Road Show: It
was hoped that this could be staged at
the Mini Fest but unfortunately that was not possible. The Road
Show has been booked for the next Parish Council Meeting - Monday 5th
July 2010.
Tree maintenance: Ken
Simons (WCC Forestry) has surveyed the
trees in the recreation ground. He will produce a report which
will be forwarded to Cllr Jones.
A question was raised concerning the oak tree by Wood Terrace and the
elm on the verge by the lay-by near the church. Who owns the land
on which these two trees are sited – SDC or WCC?
Cllr Rickhards,
Cllr Kerridge
Land registry: To be
carried forward to the next meeting.
Election – Sambourne Trust:
It was reported that David McMullen had been re-elected.
Maintenance: The Chairman
had been in contact with Mr Brown at
WCC about the areas of flooding in Whitemoor Lane, Middletown Lane and
at Capilano corner. Please let the Chairman know when, and if,
repairs take place.
No matters were raised
on Mr Archer’s field
Mr Archer has raised concerns about trespassing on to his field, which
borders the top of the recreation ground. Loose dogs have been
coming from the recreation ground on to his field and worrying the
sheep. There have also been problems with young footballers
trespassing to retrieve their footballs. After discussion, the
following actions were agreed:
1)Cllr Ward to look at the cost of installing protective mesh netting
to Mr Archer’s field fence.
2)A sign would be erected stating ‘All dogs to be kept on leads’.
The Chairman agreed to contact SDC to find out where such a sign could
be purchased. Cllr Ward would also make enquiries as to sources.
Chairman and Cllr
Limit Review
The speed limit is now complete. Traffic Group have attended to
various issues raised.
The flashing sign by the White House is now on a regular schedule and
traffic data will be forwarded to the Chairman at regular
The question was raised of whether there should be a ‘camera’ sign on
Middletown Lane.
Simon Purfield is working on the Survey and it is thought that the
questionnaire will be completed by late summer.
Best Kept
Village 2010
There was a discussion about whether we should enter this year.
New categories have been introduced and it was felt it was worth
looking at. The Chairman would contact Ariadne at WRCC.
The Chairman would look into this matter and determine the ownership of
the land. It was suggested that the WCC portal could be used.
New Application made since last meeting:
10/00563/FUL N Boulton Development at Sambourne Kennels Support –
improve present situation
The following cheques were signed:
WALC subscription £241.00
AON Insurance
Clerk – Salary
Expenses £61.88
Cllr Clews – Expenses £17.20
Negotiations re waste and recycling –
Redditch: Cllr Rickhards to
continue negotiations with SDC concerning the use of the Redditch
facility by Sambourne residents.
Action: Cllr Rickhards
Community Speed Watch:
now set up, with 9 volunteers. Cllr
Clews to arrange training. Sally Rolfe from Speed Watch is
organising training in Alcester and Stratford. Volunteers to keep
in touch with Chris Clews and let him know which date and location suits
Any Other
The 30 mph sign in Sambourne Lane – reported to be at 45
degrees. WCC to be informed.
It was suggested that daffodils be planted at various places in the
village, particularly at the boundary signs. Sue Jones to give
advice on planting. The Clerk was asked to write to Webbs to ask
for a donation of bulbs.
Action: Clerk
The following were requested:
1)The website address to be displayed on all Sambourne notifications
2)Notices on the board to be in larger print
3)New magnets to be purchased.
The footpath from outside church to the bottom of Gillespies is
obstructed. Cllr Jones to ask Ian Merivale, the WCC footpaths
officer, to investigate.
Cllr Jones
Robin Quinney expressed concern that residents on the perimeter
boundaries did not feel part of Sambourne. However, it was noted
that The Link is distributed widely and this was sufficient.
Cllr Jones reported that a parishioner has commented on state of the
pavement on Sambourne Lane, opposite Perrymill Lane. It was
agreed that the grass needs to be further removed from the slabs.
Cllr Jones
It was reported that several granite blocks re missing on Sambourne
Lane. Cllr Smith agreed to replace.
Action: Cllr Smith
Dates of
next meetings:
Monday 5h July 2010 at 7.45 pm
Monday 6th September 2010 at 7.45