Chairman: Cllr Chris Clews 01527 853844
Clerk: Teresa
Murphy 01789 778009
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 7th March 2011 at 7.45 pm
Cllr Chris Clews Chairman
Cllr Phil Jones
Cllr David Shaw
Cllr Willis Ward
Cllr Clive Rickhards Warwickshire County Council
Cllr Justin Kerridge Stratford District Council
Teresa Murphy Clerk
There were 6 parishioners present
Apologies : Cllr Geoff Smith
Disclosure of Interest : None
Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 10th January 2011 were agreed and signed by the Chairman.
Matters arising from the minutes
Mr Archer’s Field: A solution to the problem would be to carry
out more planting and Cllr Ward agreed to purchase suitable hedging on
behalf of the Parish Council.
Action: Cllr Ward
Neighbourhood Watch: The Parish Council had heard that John
Chilton had reinstated Neighbourhood Watch in Sambourne. The
Chairman will contact him.
Action: Chairman
Sambourne Trust: Cllr Shaw reported that the website and e-mail
facility is in the process of being updated. The new Clerk to
Sambourne Trust is Pauline Harris, who had contacted the Parish Council
and confirmed that there is not an election for the nominative Trustee
this year.
Grass cutting: Confirmation of the area of grass in question and
the cost has been received from Matt Austin, Stratford District
Council. The details are: 6376 m2 of grass, cut 9 times per
year – total cost £1021.
Progress of Village Survey: The Survey is now complete and will be circulated soon
Ash tree in Recreation Ground: A date in April 2011 has been given to carry out work on the ash tree.
Recompense for farmers for snow clearing: A letter and cheque has been sent to those involved
Precept 2011/12: The Clerk has returned the forms to SDC
requesting a Precept of £8646.59. No increase from 2010/11 has
been asked for.
Salt bins: Cllr Rickhards reported that the salt bins had been refilled.
Road at Capilano Corner: Three of the five chevrons have been
demolished. WCC had said the repair work would be carried out
but, to date, this has not been completed. Cllr Rickhards was
asked to contact Paul Cowley.
Stream by railings in Whitemoor Lane: The Chairman reported that
the railings had been repaired. The flooding is caused by water
running off the fields. Cllr Rickhards reported that Paul Cowley
had said remedial work would be carried out this year. He would
keep us informed.
Action: Cllr Rickhards
Public Participation: None
War Memorial
The Chairman reported that the War Memorial was last cleaned and the
lettering (70 characters) re-cut in 2002. He had contacted a
stone mason in Stratford who was not willing to give a quote for
re-painting the lettering until the stone had been cleaned, which would
be very costly. Adam Quinney offered to clean the Memorial with a
pressure washer in July, when the grass on the Green was dry enough to
take a tractor.
Cllr Ward considered the Memorial should not need re-engraving after
only 9 years. He agreed to have a look at it. If he thinks
the work should be undertaken, it was agreed that:
1) The Parish Council would accept Adam Quinney’s offer to clean the Memorial
2) The Chairman would find out what chemicals should be used
3) Two quotes would be asked for separately
a) For re-enamelling
b) For re-engraving.
We should also find out if we can access any grants.
Action: Chairman, Cllr Ward
Request to use The Green as part of the Community Celebration of the Royal Wedding on 29th April 2011
A request had been made to use The Green for a community celebration on
29th April 2011. There were no objections, so long as The Green
is protected by boarding to prevent damage to the grass. There
was discussion about closing the road and subsequent questions of
Action: Chairman, Cllr Kerridge
Speed Limit Review
The Chairman had analysed the latest traffic data and had contacted
John Simpkins of WCC Traffic Group with his observations. A reply
has now been received and a meeting is to be arranged. Cllr
Rickhards will be present at the meeting and agreed to book a room at
Studley Village Hall.
Action: Chairman, Cllr Rickhards
The following cheques were raised:
Zen – rental of web space
£9.38 |
CPRE annual subscription
Printing of Parish Survey (D Potts)
£80.00 |
Clerk’s salary
£370.12 |
Clerk’s expenses
£54.30 |
Results of Planning since last meeting:
P Chambers |
Retrospective Planning
8 Acre Field |
Permission granted
2nd March 2011 |
Allelys Holdings
Haydon Way Farm |
Conversion of listed agricultural buildings with associated parking |
Permission with conditions
1st February 2011 |
10/00266/FUL |
Allelys Holdings
Haydon Way Farm |
Proposed change of use. Amendments to vehicular access and parking |
Permission with conditions
26th January 2011 |
10/01312/FUL |
Robert Green
Glebe Farm
Demolition of existing buildings and erection of replacement dwelling |
7th February 2011 |
New Applications made since last meeting:
Kiddi Vouchers
Jill Lane |
Proposed glazed canopy over main entr4ance.
Fire exit door inserted at rear |
No objections |
Dr J Curnew
Greenfield Cottage
Middletown Lane |
Change of use of land to equestrian use.
Construction of ménage and access track to paddocks |
Mr M Hands
Woodview, Middletown Lane |
Proposed first floor side extension and pitched roof |
No objections |
Thymus Cottage: Cllr Kerridge was asked to write to SDC Planning
Office and ask for clarification as to where their 30% guide-line that
has been applied sits in respect of the 2008 legal permitted
development regulation.
Action: Cllr Kerridge
A letter from WCC concerning a Speed Aware ‘flashing sign’ had been
received. It was decided that as this would be of little benefit
to Sambourne no action would be taken.
Chairman’s business
HMRC guidance: Correspondence had been received concerning the
employment of Parish Council Clerks. Cllr Ward agreed to
investigate further.
Action: Cllr Ward
Minifest: The date for the Mini Fest will be 25th June
2011. Cllr Kerridge was asked to give the Chairman details to put
on the website.
Action: Chairman, Cllr Kerridge
Core Strategy Workshop: The Chairman and Cllr Ward will attend the Workshop to be held 24th March at Studley Village Hall.
Any other Business
1) Cllr Jones, in the interest of bio-diversity, has made several nest
boxes which have been sited in trees on the recreation ground.
2) Now that the daffodils planted last autumn are coming through it was
decided to plant more bulbs along the verges. Sue Jones was asked
to research the most appropriate planting.
Action: Cllr and Mrs Jones
Dates of next meetings:
Monday 9th May 2011 - Annual Meeting, Parish Assembly and Parish Council
Monday 4th July 2011 - Parish Council meeting