Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 5th July 2010 at 7.45
Cllr Chris Clews
Cllr Phil Jones
Cllr David Shaw
Cllr Willis Ward
Cllr Geoff Smith
Cllr Clive Rickhards Warwickshire
County Council
Cllr Justin Kerridge Stratford
District Council
Teresa Appleby
There were 11 parishioners present
Disclosure of Interest
Recycling Road Show
Chris Dobson, Waste and Recycling Officer from WCC, addressed the
meeting. He thanked the people of Sambourne for their efforts in
recycling household waste. Last year the County reached the
target of 58.5% recycling. The cost of landfill is very high and ways
of reducing cost are continually being looked at. From December
2010 there will be further improvements in recycling different
materials through the ‘blue bin’. Chris answered various
questions concerning the different types of recycling. The
Chairman thanked Chris for the informative presentation and reassured
him that Sambourne would continue to support recycling initiatives.
Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 14th May 2010 were agreed and signed
by the Chairman.
Matters Arising from the Minutes
Blocked Gullies: Carried forward to the next meeting.
Planning Application: Allely’s: Cllr Rickhards reported that the
application was at present with the County Highways Department for a
report on impact on traffic.
Oak Tree : Wood Terrace: It was confirmed that the oak tree was
owned by WCC, who will be responsible for any maintenance.
Trespassing on Mr Archer’s Field: Cllr Ward is in the process of
obtaining a quote for 60m of protective netting. SDC advise
against a ‘All dogs to be kept on leads’ notice and it is hoped that
the netting will suffice.
Cllr Ward
Speed Limit Review:
1)Camera signs are being phased out as restrictions are being lifted on
the use of mobile cameras.
2)The ‘speed awareness’ sign is due to return to Middletown Lane
3)Cllr Rickhards informed the Council that John Simpkins of Road
Traffic Group would be happy to have a meeting about any concerns.
4)A parishioner made a complaint about the speeding in Sambourne
Lane. The Chairman agreed to raise the matter with the police.
Land Registry: The Chairman has written to the Land
Registry. A reply is awaited.
Waste and Recyling : Redditch:
30 mph sign in Sambourne Lane: No longer an
Footpath outside Church: Cllr Jones reported that Adam Quinney
intends to move the fence so he can clear the pathway with his cutter.
This will be done in the Autumn.
Pavement on Sambourne Lane: The pavement is deteriorating and
needs widening. Work still to be carried out.
Granite blocks : Sambourne Lane: This has been rectified.
Public Participation
1)There was a request for a grit bin near Capilano Corner. WCC
have dealt with the drainage problem and it is hoped that the problem
with the icy road will not arise again this winter.
2)Cllr Kerridge suggested that a pagoda could be erected on the
Recreation Ground. There was a possibility of obtaining an
‘Open Spaces’ grant. He was asked to look at prices and make
enquiries about funding.
Cllr Kerridge
Proposal to develop affordable housing in Sambourne (Sambourne Trust)
A letter had been received from WRCC concerning a Housing Needs Survey
to support the above proposal. The Chairman expressed concern
about this proposal.
David McMullen from Sambourne Trust stated that discussions had taken
place at Trust meetings concerning the possible building of more
bungalows but no decision had been made to pursue the matter and it was
not in the current plans. Cllr Shaw also gave his assurance that
no decisions have been made.
Speed Limit Review
Village Survey
The draft of the Village Survey has been completed. The Chairman will
circulate the document to Councillors for comment.
Action: Chairman
Tree Maintenance
Ken Simons from WCC Forestry carried out a survey in April. He
identified three trees that were in need of maintenance, the most
urgent of which is an oak tree on the recreation ground which needs
felling before the winter. It was agreed that the work needs to
be carried out but it was proposed that further quotes be sought.
Councillor Shaw agreed to action this. If a lower quote is
obtained it was agreed that we should accept it and work to commence as
soon as possible.
Cllr Shaw
The following cheques were raised:
Stratford District Council £100.00 Election Expenses
Coughton with Sambourne £70.00 Room hire
£10.00 Expenses
J R Gibbs
£1138.93 Grass cutting
£53.50 Expenses
The following planning application has been received:
10/01034/FUL Allely’s Holdings
Demolition of
Workshop Concerns
Chairman's Business
Neighbourhood Watch: On the recommendation of the Community
Police it was suggested that Neighbourhood Watch be resurrected.
Cllr Rickhards suggested that we contact the Chairman of Studley PC,
Jim Bacon, with a view to linking with them. It was agreed that
an advertisement be put in the Parish magazine and a meeting arranged.
Cllr Rickhards, Chairman
Community Speed Watch: This is now in operation. It was
proposed that Sambourne Trust be asked to make a donation toward
Minifest: This was again a great success. Thanks to all
those involved in its organisation.
War Memorial: The War Memorial needs pointing. It was
agreed that Cllr Smith would action this and give his invoice to the
Cllr Smith
Studley High School Grid: Pupils from Studley High School have
been working on the grid map, giving location of properties in
Sambourne. It should be completed by the end of term.
Any other business
Finger Post: Cllr Shaw has been discussing with Mrs Redmond the
problems caused by the sign near the Green having a missing
finger. He agreed to obtain quotes for a replacement to be sited
actually on the Green.
Cllr Ward, Chairman
Planting of daffodils: Sue Jones has researched the cost of
daffodil bulbs. We would need about 50 kg of bulbs at a cost of
approximately £60. Bulbs are available from August, for planting
in September. Sue would be willing to bag the bulbs up and
distribute them to those willing to assist in the planting. We
are still awaiting a reply concerning a donation of bulbs from Webbs
Garden Centre.
Sue Jones, Clerk
Footpath Signs: Cllr Jones asked that signs concerning dogs
harming farm animals be displayed in the notice board.
Biodiversity Group: Cllr Jones will feed back at the next meeting.
Cllr Jones
Dates of next meetings:
Monday 6th September 2010 at 7.45 pm
Monday 8th November 2010 at 7.45 pm