Minutes of the meeting of the Sambourne Parish Council held on Monday
4th January 2010
Cllr Chris Clews Chairman
Cllr David Shaw
Cllr Phil Jones
Cllr Willis Ward
Cllr Les Topham Stratford District Council
Teresa Appleby Clerk
Cllr Geoff Smith, Cllr Martin Barry
10 parishioners present
of Interest
Minutes of
the last meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd November 2009 were agreed and
signed by the Chairman.
Finger Posts:
It was confirmed that:
There was no room to site the post on the other side of the Green and
it was agreed to leave it where it is for the time being.
The sign was painted on both sides.
There was discussion about the possibility of installing low level
signage on the corner of the Green.
Chairman and Cllr Ward
Cars at the corner of Jill Lane and
The Slough:
Cllr Shaw reported that
there had been no cars parked in this location in recent weeks.
Grit Bins: Three grit bins have
been purchased.
One bin sited by the notice board opposite the Green Dragon
One bin sited by the corner of Perrymill Lane
The third bin is to be located in the vicinity of Kiln Close. The Clerk
was asked to contact the resident in Johns Close who requested the grit
The Chairman was asked to contact WCC to ask how often the bins would
be re-filled.
Thanks were expressed to Cllr Ward, who researched and purchased the
grit bins.
Chairman, Clerk
Village Statement:
The Chairman has been in contact with SDC. Mr Simon
Purfield has been invited to attend the next Parish Council meeting on
1st March 2010.
The Chairman has contacted SDC about the rails on Whitemoor Lane and
reminded them that one side still needs repair.
It was reported that the bench outside the church and also the rear
wall of the church have both been vandalised.
Cllr Smith was not present to report on the blocked gullies and this
item would be carried forward to the next meeting.
Cllr Smith
Information Leaflet:
It was agreed that the leaflet would be a valuable
source of information and could be distributed to all households in
Sambourne. It was agreed that the names and telephone numbers of Parish
Councillors could be included.
Vehicles on Oak Tree Lane:
The van parked in a dangerous position on
Oak Tree Lane was owned by local contractors. Cllr Shaw had spoken to a
Community Police Officer but no action taken to date. The Chairman
agreed to speak to PC Essex.
Blocked culvert in Oak Tree Lane:
This would be investigated by WCC.
Cameras in Jill Lane:
These have since disappeared.
Justin Kerridge requested a cheque for £30 as a contribution towards
the publication of The Voice. This is taken from the Communications
Limit Review
Progress is slow but notices have been displayed giving details of the
plans. Markings have also been put on the roads to show where the speed
limit will start and end. The Chairman will continue his communication
with Traffic Group and endeavour to put dates on progress.
Survey and Plan
Simon Purfield has been invited to attend the March meeting. He has
been sent the results of the previous Village Appraisal. Simon
considered that the correct questions had been asked and the result was
positive. He will talk to us in March and get feedback about things
that matter in Sambourne.
It was considered important to develop a Plan. It will give us more
leverage with both WCC and SDC for future issues and projects. We will
be able to obtain a grant to help with the expenses incurred.
Volunteers will be needed to put the Plan together.
Review of
Emergency Plan
The Sambourne Parish Council Community Emergency Plan has been updated
and forwarded to WCC. A request had been put in the Link for residents
with specific skills to come forward. No replies received to date. This
request could also be included in the Voice and Justin was asked to do
Precept 2010/2011: It was agreed that an increase of 2.5% would be
requested for the year 2010/2011.
The following cheques were signed:
* Open Spaces Society £40.00 Subscription
* Coughton with Sambourne £65.00 Room
* Cllr Ward £644.23 Grit bins
* J Kerridge £30.00 The Voice
* Clerk £356.76 Salary
* £61.92 Expenses
09/01859/TPO M Newell Work to oak tree,
Carprice, Perrymill Lane Granted 9/11/2009
09/01884/FUL Mr and Mrs S England Partial demolition of dwelling and
erection of 2-storey extension. The Coach House, Green Lane Support
09/02161/TREE Ms Lucy Reid Ash 30% reduction. 35 Coughton Hill Support
09/02505/FUL M R Davies Porch extension with access ramp. Sunnyside,
Whitemoor Lane Support
09/02481/FUL Mr D Brueton Construction of single storey pitched roof
garage extension. Midsummer, Sambourne Lane Support
09/02501/FUL Mr P Chambers Proposed entrance to field for equestrian
use. Eight Acre Field, Bromsgrove Road Support
Christmas tree and illuminations: The
possibility of erecting a
Christmas tree on the Green was discussed. There was little enthusiasm
for the idea and after discussion the suggestion was dismissed on
security and health and safety grounds.
Parish website: At the end of
June 2010 WCC will be withdrawing support
for the Parish websites. It was agreed that the website was an asset
and the Chairman would carry out research into alternative providers
and report his findings to the May meeting.
Traffic survey: The Chairman
is in contact with WCC concerning traffic
data through Sambourne and the use of C and D road routes. Ongoing.
Village Map: There is in
existence a 20 year old village map, showing
the location of all the houses. The Chairman has approached Studley
High School about the possibility of producing a new map of Sambourne
and there is a strong possibility that this project will be taken on
board with enthusiasm by the pupils.
Any Other
Mr Quinney thanked Phil and Sue Jones for their continued work on the
Memorial. It looked particularly good for the Service of Remembrance in
November and was much appreciated.
Dates of
next meetings
Monday 1st March 2010 7.45 pm
Monday 10th May 2010 Annual Parish Assembly 7.15 pm
Monday 10th May 2010 Annual Parish Meeting 7.45 pm