Sambourne Village

Christmas tree installation


The idea of a tree on the Green was first raised by a Sambourne resident in a meeting of the Parish Council in March 2015.
The scheme - which would require mains electricity being introduced onto the Green - was cleared with Health and Safety and the Parish council's insurer.
In the meantime the person who proposed the idea produced a detailed project plan and costings.
At the November meeting of the PC the scheme was given unanimous support and it was agreed that the PC and the Village Association would share the cost.

In the next month the volunteers achieved the remarkable feats

As a result of preparation, planning and hard work, in 2015, for the first time ever, there were seasonal illuminations on an existing tree on The Green.


In 2016, the aim was a "proper" Christmas tree and more lights.

This required more excavations, this time to provide a sound base for the Christmas tree. A hole of about one cubic metre was needed. Right from the start the dig was difficult: large stones and hard clay. Later someone arrived with electrically powered muscle and progress accelerated. A group of cyclists passing by remarked "If you want a job doing, get the baby-boomers". How true!

A steel tube from a kind donor was concreted at the centre of the base.
The tree will fit into this and be tightened by wedges.

A 7 metre tree was sourced and delivered to the Green. But how to lift it and lower into the socket in the base?
This was solved by Roger Hammersley and his JCB Telehoister.

The Parish Council and the Village Association had agreed to jointly fund the tree. However, thanks to generous donations from residents, the cost was covered.
Here's the finished job recorded on December 4th 2016.
It shows what can be achieved when a group of volunteers decide "it's going to happen".


The process was repeated in 2017.
Tree sourced and delivered to the Green.
Again the volunteers turned up as did Roger and his JCB Telehoister.
The tree was lowered into the socket and the lights were secured to the branches.
An enjoyable gathering was topped off - when the team relaxed afterwards - by a tray of mugs of mulled wine!

This year there was an "official" turning on - following the children's Christmas party.
The celebrity was Father Christmas - a very busy man AKA "The Rev Jim".

A fall of snow on the 10th December added to the scene. The brilliant images were taken by Amanda Taaffe and Julie Wapplington.

Sadly early in 2018 storm Eleanor arrived and the tree was snapped off. The undamaged lights were still working,

The story continues ... .