Sambourne Village

Statement by former Chairman Chris Clews

Warwick Police interviewed me regarding accusations made against me relating to a selection of "the emails" presented to them.

The police have told me that there is no case to answer and no further action will be taken; it will not be referred to the CPS. Matter closed.

The police will be issuing a detailed press statement in the near future.

Another failed attempt at trouble-making in Sambourne. I won't name the person who made the complaint...

The blackmail letters sent to me are in the hands of the police. Disclosure of a person's private email address or home address by e.g. councillor breaches data protection regulations (GDPR).

Legalities against me concluded, I will be detailing the truth about what led to this sorry mess in Sambourne. Things are not what you have been led to believe.

[Chris Clews 20th October 2021]

The issue regarding the emails - the August meeting of SPC

As many will be aware I tendered my resignation from Sambourne Parish Council on August 4th

First a couple of points regarding data protection - General Data Protection Regulation.

Anyone involved in publication/distribution of defamatory comments may also be held liable under GDPR. So , if you receive an email that might be defamatory be careful what you do with it!

According to the Information Commissioner's Office: "Email addresses of Council members may be subject to GDPR. Data protection law applies to personal data, which is any information that identifies someone personally and provides information such as their name, where they work, or their home address. For example, the work email address ‘’ would constitute personal data because it includes John Smith’s name. This means that it would be subject to UK GDPR."

The emails which were made public on August 2nd are, in the main, exaggerated expressions by me of disappointment or exasperation – either with the way people behave or how fairness seems to be abused. This includes both local matters and wider issues. These range from my reaction to a description of the fate of PC Blakelock during the Broadwater Farm riots in the UK, through to expropriation of land on the West Bank.

My opinions and questions are private – expressed only to friends and those whom I know. This included Mr Bond which is how he came to be in receipt of these.

160/200 “unacceptable” emails from me.

I do not hate anyone, neither would I harm anyone or disrespect them in communication with them.

I have never had any complaints – directly or indirectly – about my communications over my lengthy period of service on SPC; not one. During this time I have emailed and telephoned residents, councillors, MPs and numerous representatives of public bodies and local authorities.

In private emails I do pose questions and make observations which may offend some – I respect this and do not make this communication with them. This is not hypocrisy it is politeness, respect and above all appropriate inter-personal behaviour.

Chris Clews