Sambourne Village

The Parish councillors are:
Rob Clarke
Nick Moon
Peter Taaffe
Rammy Arafa
Adam Quinney

Clerk: Mrs Teresa Murphy    

Contact the parish council
The council is made up of a maximum of five members . There are elections every four years. If there are more than five candidates, an actual election is called. If there are five or fewer an election is not necessary. If positions become vacant, they are advertised. People can be co-opted onto the council by its members.
It meets every two months. Agenda is posted in advance in the notice boards. Minutes are similarly displayed. Usually the District and County Councillors attend.
The main role of the council is to put forward the interests of the people who live in Sambourne, based on experience, consultation and opinions expressed to members and to act in what is seen as the best interests of Sambourne village. The consensus is expressed by way of approval or objection to for example planning applications. This is conveyed formally to District Council - who may or may not find in line with the recommendations.
Examples of what has been discussed in the past :
In May there is the annual parish meeting. The extent to which the issues affect Sambourne range from very little to greatly. It is apparent that the attendance by the public is much greater when they feel directly affected - for example, the Studley bypass - or else expect to see a "bun fight"  - for example, issues relating to the Sambourne Trust. We would welcome more people attending. We are discussing matters which relate to where they live...It would also add to the width of the debate!!!
The parish council actually has very little power! However, it can draw up bye-laws. Quite what the scope covers or how the process works is a mystery. No one can remember it happening in recent history.

In accordance with the Transparency Code reports concerning the council's accounts are lodged as follows:

Accounting Statement.
Annual Governance Statement.
Certificate of Exemption2020/21.
Notice of Public Rights and Summary of Public Rights.
Internal Audit Statement.
CIL Monitoring Report 2020-2021.

Formal documents applying to Sambourne Parish Council
Financial Regulations.
Standing Orders.
Grievance Policy .
Asset Risk Assessment Register.
Data Protection Policy.
Financial and Management Risk Assessment.
Freedom Of Information Policy.
Freedom of Information Model Publication Scheme.
Home Working Policy.

Powers and Duties.
Public Participation.
Adopted Code of Conduct.
Social Media Policy.