Sambourne Village

Minutes of the meeting of the Sambourne Parish Council held on Monday 1st March 2010

Cllr Chris Clews Chairman
Cllr David Shaw
Cllr Phil Jones
Cllr Geoff Smith
Cllr Willis Ward
Cllr Les Topham Stratford District Council
Teresa Appleby Clerk

In Attendance: Simon Purfield, Stratford District Council

Apologies: Cllr Martin Barry

20 parishioners present

Disclosure of Interest:

Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 4th January 2010 were agreed and signed by the Chairman.

Matters Arising:

Finger Posts: The cost of replacing the missing finger would be in the region of £750. It was agreed to carry this item forward.

Grit bins: It was reported that the grit bin in the vicinity of Kiln Close is to be re-sited at the request of a resident in Johns Close.

Action: Cllr Ward, Chairman

Blocked gullies: Cllr Smith was asked to compile a list of blocked gullies and submit the list at the end of March.

Action: Cllr Smith

Vehicles parked in Oaktree Lane: The Chairman has contacted PC Essex but as the situation remains he will report the matter again.
Action: Chairman
Website: It was agreed that the website was an asset and it was agreed that an alternative provider would be sought.
Action: Chairman

Village Map: Studley High School pupils and staff will need to travel through Sambourne to check on the location and distribution of properties. When this has been done the Chairman will talk to the school again to discuss the way forward.
Action: Chairman

Public Participation

Planning Application : AllelyHoldings

1.Elizabeth Price was present at the meeting and voiced her concerns about the planning application for change of use at Haydon Way Farm. This application had not yet been looked at by Sambourne PC but she was assured that her concerns would be taken into account. Cllr Topham agreed to look at the application and e-mail the Chairman with his findings.
Action: Cllr Topham, Chairman

2.Justin Kerridge requested a cheque for £30 as a contribution towards the publication of The Voice. This is taken from the Communications Grant.

Update of Progress of Speed Limit Review
A great deal has happened since the January meeting and as far as we are aware the work is now complete. There are a few issues that have been noted and traffic group have been informed.

The Middletown gateway should be the same as the other routes into Sambourne.
The question has been raised of why there is a warning sign on Middletown Lane for the new 40 mph but not for the new 30 mph
At the gateway in Oaktree Lane the 30 mph markings on the road are crooked
The poles carrying the 30 mph signs in Oaktree Lane are not of the same height.

Traffic Group have been very co-operative and are looking into these points.

There are still channels to go through in order to activate Community Speed Watch. PC Essex is willing to take action if consistent speeding is reported through the village. If anybody witnesses speeding please make a note of the description of the car, if appropriate to do so, and give the details to Justin, who will contact PC Essex.
Action: Chairman, Justin Kerridge

Village Survey and Plan
Simon Purfield from Stratford District Council gave an outline of the benefits of the Village Survey and Plan. He is able to help with the collation of questionnaires and preparation of the Survey and Plan. He asked for comments about Sambourne in the future, things that are favourable and ideas for anything that could be changed for the better.

Cllr Jones presented a list of ideas for the survey and there were other comments from the floor:

Possibility of affordable housing
Wyke Lane being designated a 'quiet lane'
Facilities for children, ie small play area

Simon felt able to compile a questionnaire based on Cllr Jones' list and the above comments. All households will have a questionnaire and will send their comments directly to Simon at SDC for collation.
Action: Simon Purfield, All

Vermin control: Concern was raised about the high levels of vermin in the village. The Chairman agreed to contact SDC and request a visit from the environmental department.
Action: Chairman

Council's Refuse and Recycling Road Show
The Clerk was asked to contact Mr Weeks and find out more details before inviting to a meeting.
Action: Clerk

Tree Maintenance
An arboricultural survey was carried out in October 2006. Since then targeted trees have been maintained on an annual basis. It was agreed that a further survey should be carried out and Cllr Jones was asked to contact Mr Mousley and ask for a quote.

Concern was expressed about the oak tree in the corner of the recreation ground and the Chairman agreed to speak to Jason at WCC and ask him to come and look at it.

Cllr Ward and Cllr Smith would identify additional trees that need to be surveyed.

Action: Chairman, Cllrs Jones, Ward and Smith

A letter had been received from Telford Land Registry inviting the Parish Council to register land that it owns. Councillors will look at this in more detail and discuss.
Action: All

Chairman's Business
Elections - Sambourne Trust: David McMullen's term of office is coming to an end in May. The Clerk was asked to advertise the vacancy and deal with the nominations.
Action: Clerk

Elections - Sambourne Parish Council: An election will only be required if there are more than 5 names put forward. SDC will administer the election, if it proves necessary. Each candidate will require a proposer and a seconder.
Action: Clerk

District Council Election: It is with sadness that we note that Cllr Les Topham will be retiring from the District Council. He has given the Parish Council invaluable support and advice over the years and he will be missed. Mr Quinney gave a vote of thanks from the floor. The Council elections will be held on 6th May 2010.

Grass Mowing Contract: The Clerk was asked to renew Mr Gibbs' contract for a further year. He is also to be asked to roll the grass verge between the church and the parsonage where it has been damaged by a lorry.
Action: Clerk

Parish Councillors' Guide: The Chairman was given permission to purchase this.

Any Other Business:
Cllr Shaw reported that there are three sites where flooding still occurs:

The dip in Whitemoor Lane
Middletown Lane - just after the turn from the thatched cottage
Capilano Corner

The Chairman agreed to contact WCC about these areas.

Action: Chairman

Dates of next meetings:

Monday 10th May 2010 Annual Parish Assembly 7.15 pm
Monday 10th May 2010 Annual Parish Meeting 7.45 pm
Monday 5th July 2010 Parish Council Meeting 7.45 pm